Top-10 Best E3Live Superfood Recipes

Top-10 Best E3Live Superfood Recipes

The word superfood gets thrown around a lot in the vitamin and supplements industry, as you’re probably well aware of from having walked down that aisle of the grocery store hundreds of times. Often it is used simply as a marketing ploy to pitch nutritional wellness products with dubious claims to over-zealous consumers. Though they are generally safe for consumption, rarely do they live up to the hype. E3Live Organic Superfoods are renowned for living up to expectations because of their ingredient: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), a potent cyanobacteria with known benefits as well as potentials as yet unlocked that some of the largest drug companies and labs around the world are currently studying.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is the life force behind our popular products like E3Live® Liquid, BrainON® Liquid, BrainON® Supreme Liquid, E3AFA® Powder and BrainON® Powder. But something else sets apart E3Live all-organic superfoods from the rest of the market, and that’s where our Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is sourced from: in the hypereutrophic waters of Upper Klamath Lake, where a perfect mixture of tectonic and volcanic activity within the Pacific Ring of Fire and thousands of years of mineral deposits gave birth to one of the richest aquabiotic ecosystems in the world. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae itself is found in many freshwaters around the world, but only from Klamath Lake does it acquire the nutritional content and wellness benefits to truly deserve being labeled as a superfood.

But before listing the delicious recipes you came here for, we’ll give you the backstory behind the star ingredient of our E3Live Superfood - Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA).

Origin Story

The history of E3Live Organic Superfoods stretches back 7700 years ago, when a mountain volcano known as Mount Mazama was witnessed to erupt by the native people below who revered it as the home of a god. Located within the Pacific Rim of Fire, the massive eruption of Mount Mazama was on a scale large enough to be considered extraordinary in an area where earthquakes and lava flows are an everyday feature. 400 times more powerful than the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, Mount Mazama collapsed in on itself into a caldera which now forms the famous Crater Lake in Oregon, the deepest lake in the United States. The energy released covered the surrounding area for miles in ash up to 40 feet deep, along with an unstoppable deluge of molten rock. Both enriched the silt within a 4000 square mile volcanic basin with more minerals and nutrients than almost anywhere else in the world.

Upper Klamath Lake today is directly fed from that basin by 17 rivers that deposit an average of 50,000 tons of its mineral-rich silt. Upper Klamath Lake also receives around 300 days of sunshine a year. These two circumstances combined, along with the lake being also kept free of adverse bacteria and pollutants, have made it amazingly suitable to the wild strain of AFA blue-algae known as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. The high nutrient loading and perfect weather conditions produce blooms of these particular cyanobacteria that are unprecedented around the world. Here, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is provided with more than 60 times the nutrients needed for the algae to grow to its full potential and can reproduce as much as every 20 minutes. The harvesting for these algae that we do for our E3Live Superfood is a boon to the water by removing some of the overloads of this species, but could never endanger the abundance of this organic, high life-force, miracle superfood.

Recipes With E3Live Organic Superfoods

Our best-selling superfoods have become staples in the health-conscious food world, with everyone from chefs at organic eateries to avid food artisans on social media using them to create amazing recipes that call for a punch of nutrition. The top-10 listed here are the most popular that can be enjoyed almost any time of day or year but will be especially perfect for any time you could use a pick-me-up to both your body and mind. Each of these recipes contains one of our most powerful superfoods, of either E3Live, Blue Majik, AFA or BrainON.

1. Ocean-Inspired BlueMAJIK Smoothie by Tropically Lina

This Blue Majik smoothie is like a tropical vacation in the Pacific with its rich blue hue via the added BlueMAJIK® powder and island fruits.


  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 tsp BlueMAJIK® powder
  • 1 heaped tbsp of coconut cream (thick version if possible)

You will need to blend this BlueMAJIK smoothie until it is rich and creamy. You then top it with a handful of frozen blueberries, dried coconut cubes, and melon-balled dragon fruit. This BlueMAJIK smoothie was featured on the Best of Vegan recipe website as well, and if you make it for yourself you’ll agree that it deserves to become an everlasting classic.

2. Blueberry Majik Banana Ice Cream by Michael Perrine

The BlueMAJIK bowl you will manifest with this recipe utilizing BlueMAJIK® powder could be better than paradise itself. By adding the edible flowers as a topping, all that will be missing from its beautiful presentation is a tiki bar and the Pacific Ocean lapping at the beach in the background.


  • 6 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (if using frozen berries you may need a splash of water to help the blender)
  • ½ vanilla bean or splash of extract
  • Pinch of Celtic Salt
  • 2g of BlueMAJIK® powder

Step 1

Add the berries, vanilla. salt and BlueMAJIK® powder first and blend into a liquid.

Step 2

Add the frozen bananas and using the plunger blend into a smooth cream. (It’s gonna get loud)!

Step 3

Then, just top with fresh berries and edible flowers and enjoy!

3. BlueMAJIK Macaroons for a BlueMAJIK Bowl Dessert

For added excitement in the presentation of this Blue Majik bowl, we recommend that you plate it in a split coconut shell!


  • 1 ¼ cups almond milk pulp, strained (OR 1 cup ground almonds mixed with enough almond milk to create a wet 'paste' in the food processor–less smooth in texture, but it is an adequate substitute)
  • ¾ cup dried, unsweetened shredded coconut
  • ⅓ cup agave, honey, or maple syrup
  • 1 generous pinch of salt
  • Scrapings of 1 vanilla bean, OR 1 tsp real vanilla extract
  • 1-2 teaspoons of BlueMAJIK® powder (depending on the desired colour, adding more powder for your Blue Majik bowl will make it a darker blue).

Step 1

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor until they form a dough. Add a little more agave or some almond milk if the mixture is too thick.

Step 2

Line a dehydrator sheet with Teflex and scoop the macaroons out by round tablespoons onto the sheet. Dehydrate at 45 degrees for 6 hours, or until macaroons hold together well but are still a little soft.

Step 3

To add a chocolate drizzle or to dip the bottoms of your cookies.


4. Power Smoothie with E3Live® Liquid or E3AFA® Powder

Choose your power level from two of our most powerful E3Live Superfoods: E3Live® Liquid or E3AFA® Powder. Either one is going to give you the mental clarity and bodily energy you need to power through the day.


Step 1

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix thoroughly until cashew nuts are completely blended.

Step 2

Just go ahead and tip the glass back, because it has an enriched taste that will make you feel it as it powers you up. This is a thick, nourishing smoothie that will stay with you for hours, and is delicious enough to crave all day long.

5. Morning BrainON Concoction with BrainON® Liquid or BrainON® Supreme Liquid by Anna Nassery CEO and Founder of Brandup

Try this recipe with either our original BrainON® liquid with 2X the amount of Phenylethylamine (PEA) and Phycocyanin (PC) of our original AFA or our more powerful BrainON® Supreme liquid with 4X the amount of PEA and PC.


  • 1 serving of E3Live® Liquid or BrainON® Supreme Liquid
  • ¼ cup frozen Fennel
  • ½ tsp local bee pollen
  • juice from half lemon, plus rind of ⅛ lemon
  • 1 scoop of vanilla collagen (I use Primal Kitchen Vanilla Collagen)
  • 1 cup spring water
  • 5 drop liquid monk fruit
  • 1 drop trace minerals or sprinkle Celtic sea salt

6. E3Live Green Snack Bar with E3Live Liquid or E3AFA Powder

As a snack to pack for a day on the trail or to get you through work, this recipe will deliver a healthy boost using your choice between two of our popular E3Live superfoods. 


  • 1 cup of sunflower seeds
  • ¼ cup of desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup of pumpkin seeds
  • ½ cup of almonds
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ⅔ teaspoon of mixed spice – use a pumpkin pie type blend
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract (use real vanilla)
  • 2 tablespoons of E3Live® Liquid or two scoops of E3AFA® Powder
  • 3 tablespoons of ground flax
  • Stevia or honey to taste

Step 1

Place the almonds and pumpkin seeds in a food processor and pulse briefly until they are chunky but not whole. Set the nuts and seeds aside.

Step 2

Place the sunflower seeds and coconut oil in the food processor. Process them until the sunflower seeds form nut butter. This will take around ten minutes. If you have a nut or seed butter you want to use instead, feel free to substitute.

Step 3

Add the remaining ingredients and process until well combined. Taste and add sweetener as desired.

Step 4

Place all ingredients into a bowl and combine thoroughly. Line a small, shallow dish with baking paper. Spoon the mixture into the dish and spread it out evenly with a spatula.

Step 5

Freeze for one hour. Cut into bars and wrap into individual portions. Freeze and enjoy!

7. E3Live Tabbouleh Salad

This salad has the perfect medley of flavor and an added boost with E3Live® Liquid. 


  • 2 cups organic flat-leaf parsley, minced
  • 1 cup organic fresh mint, minced
  • ½ cup fine bulgur (or cooked quinoa)
  • 3 or 4 medium tomatoes, cored, seeded, and chopped
  • 1 small organic white onion, chopped finely


  • ¼ cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1-2 tbsp E3Live® Liquid
  • 10-12 organic mint leaves
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

Step 1

Follow directions for soaking bulgur (about 20 to 30 minutes in water). Drain bulgur very well and squeeze out all the water. Can also use cooked quinoa instead of bulgur.

Step 2

Combine all ingredients except dressing.

Step 3

To make the dressing, whisk together olive oil and lemon juice, then add E3Live® Liquid and whisk a few more times. Add to salad and season with salt and pepper.

Step 4

Toss before serving.

8. Ginger Zhing Smoothie

This ginger smoothie is good in Winter or Summer, in our opinion. Add a zing of energy to it with E3Live® Liquid.


  • ½ cup fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • ¼ cup pineapple
  • 1 banana (frozen if you want an icy smoothie)
  • ¼ to ½ tsp grated fresh ginger root
  • 1-3 tbsp E3Live® Liquid


Add all ingredients to the blender and process until smooth.

9. Almond-Coconut Bliss Balls by Anna Marshall


  • 1 cup raw almonds (soaked in water for at least 8 hours) then ground into almond meal
  • 1 ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • ½ cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean powder
  • 1 tsp BlueMAJIK® powder
  • 8 drops stevia extract

Step 1

Process all ingredients in a blender or food processor.

Step 2

Scoop out and roll into tiny balls.

Step 3

Coat with unsweetened coconut flakes.

Step 4

Set in the freezer for 20-30 minutes before serving.

10. Super Blueberry Pudding

This Blue Majik bowl has a wonderful visual appeal to it, especially if you put it into a glass dish to show it off from every angle.


  • ½ cup raw almonds (soaked at least 5 hours)
  • ½ cup chia seeds
  • ½ cup fresh blueberries (or thawed, frozen ones)
  • 5 pitted dates (or sweetener of your choice to taste)
  • 1 ½ tbsp vanilla extract or contents of 1 vanilla bean
  • 1 tsp BlueMAJIK® powder
  • 2 cups almond milk (or filtered water)

Step 1

Blend all except the chia seeds in a high-speed blender, transfer to a bowl or glass jar then stir in chia seeds.

Step 2

Let the pudding sit overnight in the refrigerator to thicken, stir periodically.

Step 3

Top with fresh blueberries and serve.

E3Live Australia

Our E3Live Organic Superfoods are made with the most nutritionally rich Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) on the market, straight from Upper Klamath Lake. This population of algae is renowned for its density of nutrients and health properties, containing over 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Our Blue Majik is the world’s only certified organic Blue Spirulina and adds boosts to bodily and cognitive functions similar to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Browse our products to add to these 10 or your own amazing recipes at E3Live Australia